Monday, October 22, 2018

skinny love

when assed, kiss it again
like a trigger my thumb
too fat

to sing to most, i slip in
just to remind the moist

the threat is real, if you don't
understand the moot, find the

i'll shatter your ear drums,
and destroy your brain.


Like a stone

the drop, my stomach
and still these damn robots, they keep coming
  praying to the gods, like the angels

this damn state, so fucking still
  like heaven they wait, no progress
   but just conservative hate

 like a cancer within

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Week with out pop

So my goal for the week was to stop drinking pop, and the results were varied. The first two days I only had a few sips, and then came Thanksgiving, and I was back to drinking glass after glass. The good news is that I was conscious of what I was doing and made an effort. This week I will continue me effort along with trying to not eat sweets (which I'm doing very well at, by the way).

In other research, I'm doing well on curbing my need for snacking. So far I have been working on eating the right meals to leave me full longer. I've been trying to establish the same routine every day. For breakfast I have a single egg, English muffin, and two pieces of sausage, as well as a piece of Velveeta cheese (only 40 calories). This provides enough carbs, fats, and protein to get me through the morning.

After breakfast, I get coffee with a little half and half. I then go to the mall and get hummus and pita for a snack. I walk for an hour and then work out at the YMCA. Three days of lifting weights and five days of swimming. I take the weekends off.

For lunch I have a ham salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing and a few croutons. I make sure to add tomato slices as well as sliced onions to get a couple servings of vegetables. My goal for lunch is to cut back on carbs and continue my trend of filling up on fats and proteins.

After lunch, I have cottage cheese for a snack. I've been eating the regular style but I plan to switch to low fat cottage cheese to cut back a little on fats.

To end my day I have dinner which changes day to day but follows the my food plate guideline. It's a good balance of carbs, protein, and vegetables.

Where I've been failing is to split my dinner in half to eat later at night. While I'm still working on my pop goal. I plan to make this a new goal for the week. Grab a plate of food and then split it in half.

Overall I feel happy about my progress. I haven't been as hungry, although I did slip last night. My step-father who I live with bought a loaf of banana bread, and in the middle of the night I started digging into it. This is definitely a no-no, but on the flip side, at least it doesn't count as a sweet. My goal still stands!

So far my posts have focused on my progress, but by next week on plan on writing more about research and my book. I want to devote every Saturday to working on my non-fiction (I write fiction Monday through Friday for about three hours a day.)

Until this, have a good week!


Michael Medlen

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Taste Test

The goal of this blog is to track my research on weight loss. Over the past I've gone on diets, lost up to 80 lbs., gained the weight back, lost it again, and yo-yo'd for years. As it stands I'm 50 lbs. overweight and struggling.

In an attempt to stop my yo-yo dieting, I've decided I want to try to lose weight without counting calories. I don't want to rush the weight loss, but rather focus on getting healthy. What follows are observations I've made about my work as well my progress. The goal is to ultimately turn my research into a book, but first I must lose the weight, and second, keep the weight off. Ultimately, the big picture is to become a healthier person.

Now, a little about myself. I'm a 28-year-old male who weighs approximately 210 lbs. The lowest I've ever weighed in my adult like was 153 lbs. I'm 5'9" and my ideal weight is between 140 lbs to 160 lbs. I'm tired of weighing myself and finds it doesn't help me mentally. All I do is obsess over the scale and freak when my weight goes up a pound. Instead, I plan to keep track with my clothing sizes and belt. With that said, I have a 36" inseam. The lowest I've ever had was a 30" inseam! My belt is currently on its last notch, but if I pull it tight I can get it down to two notches. The lowest I was down to with the same was six notches. If you couldn't tell, I have my work cut out for me.

Down to business.

My first idea was to focus on what my body is telling me. Trying to be scientific, I asked myself why I'm having cravings. I wondered if the content of my food had something to do with it. To test this out, when I began craving food around 9 last night, I made myself a small bowl of canned chicken and mayonnaise, which has plenty of protein and fat. After I ate I realized I wasn't satisfied, that I was craving bread. French bread. Clearly just eating protein and fat wasn't enough to satiate my appetite. I concluded I needed carbs as well.

I then made a chicken and mayonnaise sandwich on whole wheat bread. I felt satisfied.

I also did a little test about what to drink with the sandwich. I'm an notorious diet pop drinker, and can easily go through two 2-liters a day. The problem is pop always leaves me craving more pop, and doesn't balance out the taste of the meal I'm eating. I decided to test out what a good drink was to balance the sweetness of the mayo and chicken.

I tried out three drinks: diet pepsi, diet iced lemon tea, and brewed green tea. For a control I tried water.

First I ate a piece of sandwich and drank diet pepsie, which removed the taste of the sandwich but left me wanting more pop.

I next tried water, which helped was the food down but didn't remove the taste.

My third test I drink the iced lemon tea. The bitterness of the tea balanced out the flavor but unfortunately this tea has aspartame and this left my taste buds craving more tea. The hint of lemon also added to my craving.

My fourth test was with the brewed green tea. The taste of the sandwich was removed and I had no craving for more.

My conclusion was green tea seemed to be the right drink to balance the meal and curb my craving. However, I would like to try unsweetened iced tea to really get a bitter drink to go with the sandwich. More tests is needed.

That was my research. I next post on taste and how eating for taste rather than content helps satiate. I plan to do some research test my hypothesis, but so far I can conclude that a balanced meal, such as the chicken may sandwich, definitely made sure I didn't snack for the rest of the night. I did have a hiccup though, I couldn't sleep and hand two bowls of cereal. This is a problem and something I plan to address later.
This blog is dedicated to research for a book I'm working on.